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出典:言語と美術 (発行:DIC 川村記念美術館)

Exhibition design:Jun Aoki & Associates

Exhibition site:Kawamura Memorial

DIC Museum of Art

Structure design:TECTONICA INC.


Be Factory, Tokyo studio

Completion:10. 2018

Remarks:Work in charge when

belonging to Jun Aoki & Associates

Photo:Ishihara Ami

Text:Language and Art published by Kawamura DIC museum of art


From the point of view of the theory of books established by Takashi Hiraide, this exhibition focuses on the various mobile forms of endless "dialogue" that occur at the intersection of "language" and "art," and sheds light on the unique thoughts and language of artists.
The exhibition space was designed to embody Takashi Hiraide's concept of "books in the air," in which words leave their ordinary forms and diffuse with the birth of formative life.
In order to create a "never-ending" exhibition, we decided to use the actual space as a circulation of repetitive spatial units, and divided the large square exhibition room into four spaces in the shape of a swastika. The artworks on the left and right walls, and the language of books contained within the "transparent beams" and "suspension lines" set up at equal intervals along a central axis, fill the air with a flurry of dialogue. The viewer bends down, avoids collisions, and walks. By doing so, they will feel the presence of the "dialogue" floating in the air.(text by Aoki Jun)


- 透明梁
長さ12m, 幅25cm, 高さ60cm。側面は8mmのアクリル厚板。上面と下面は1.6mmの鋼板。アクリルと鋼板の接合には2液性エポキシ系接着剤を使用。フェイルセーフにVHBテープ。アクリル面内にて3ヒンジアーチを構成することで無注を実現している。構造検証はTECTONICA,、制作と設営はビーファクトリー。

- Transparent Beam
12m long, 25cm wide, 60cm high, with 8mm thick acrylic panels on the sides. The top and bottom surfaces are 1.6mm steel plates. Two-component epoxy adhesive was used to join the acrylic and steel plates. VHB tape as fail-safe. Three-hinge arches in the acrylic surface for no ordering. Structural verification by TECTONICA, Inc.
Production and installation by B-Factory.


- 吊架線

- Suspended overhead wires
The center of the work is equally spaced at 1.5m height from the floor. The tension that maintains the arrangement pulls the works up and down with tegus. The joints are lure snaps for Mebaru fishing. The upper and lower ends of the tegus are pulled to the left and right by a 12m span of wire that draws a suspension line. Joining is a metal ball. Set up by Tokyo Studio.

Copyright Ishihara Ami.
All Rights Reserved.
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